Robert Luster on Authoritarianism and Democracy

Robert Luster on Authoritarianism and Democracy

Note: QL members are testing out different locations for our monthly meetings, to decide on the best one to continue with in 2023 onward. Join us on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 12:00 pm (noon). The meeting will be at the “other” OBA Grill at 104-02 Metropolitan Ave in Forest Hills, with the same cuisine as the one in the Queens Blvd area (Mediterranean Grill). Topic will be “Authoritarianism and Democracy” by Robert Luster, which features his exploration of ideologies, and his view as to why libertarianism never seems to arise in countries like China or Russia. Location can be reached by the Q54, and the Q23 bus (two blocks away).  Details and Directions


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